In terms of law, nominee services are a system of contractual arrangements between nominees (directors and shareholders) as well as real owners (beneficial owners) of a corporation.
Nominee services are an elective service under which a person other than the real owner who efficiently manages the corporation is appointed as a director at the time of incorporation or else at a later date. That is to say, the corporation will have a so called ‘shadow’ director. The similar thing applies to a company shareholder – this can also be a nominee.
Where the company has nominee directors as well as nominee shareholders, and in some cases even nominee secretaries, it is supposed to have occupied nominee services.
The most widespread reason why nominees are appointed to a Company formation is to uphold the privacy of the corporate structure, as the individuality of the owner can be completely covered since the corporate permit show only the details of nominees. The nominee director as well as shareholder do not control the commerce of the company as well as only act on instructions of the owner. But this is all in universal terms.

When and how did nominees appear?
The system of contractual arrangements between nominee directors or else shareholders and beneficial owners has been known since straw men were first used. But it was simply in the second half of the past century, at the first light of the offshore industry that this notion developed into its classic form.
The first providers of nominee services were lawyers who decided residents of the Island of Sark as nominees. The island still has laws dating back to almost feudal times, in exacting laws related to the taxation of individuals.